
ABSTRACTHere we study the open modification of the Jaynes-Cummins model that is the coupled system of thedressed atom and the quantized mode. The mode is initially in the coherent quantum state exhibiting thePoissonian photon statistics. When the quasienergy levels of the dressed atom cross the mean number ofphotons (n) in the mode undergoes high-amplitude oscfflatioiis. Numeric results show that each time thevalue of (n) fails the photon statistics becomes more regular. Instantaneously, the statistics can become sub-Poissonian with the Fano factor F n2 I () being many times as small as unity. The above observation provides the evidence that the photons undergo correlated absorption, i.e. , they tend to disappear in twos, in threes, etc. Keywords: Jaynes-Cumniings model, dressed atom, quasienergy levels, squeezed states of light 1. INTRODUCTION The expeiiments with both the one-atom maser1'2 and the ion-trap laser3 have revived the interest ofresearchers to the Jaynes-Cunimings model (JCM) that is the coupled system of the two-level atom andthe quantized mode of the electromagnetic field. Being a simple quantum system which allows a thoroughtheoretical study the JCM exhibits some phenomena playing an important role in both the nonlinear opticsand the laser physics, particularly, nonlinear oscillations of the atomic and field variables and generation

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