
With the advancement of multimedia technology and the internet, numerous applications have arisen which require the storage and retrieval of large image and video databases. A novel method (Eigenwavelet) was developed to retrieve images from a large heterogeneous image database upon a user-specified query. The queries are in the form of an image(s) that the user seeks to find similar matches to in the database. Using the queries, an efficient algorithm was developed which decomposed each image in the database using wavelet packet analysis. Along each node of the packet tree, Principal Component Analysis was applied to the database images after wavelet packet decomposition, and a set of eigenvectors were generated for each node of the packet tree. To search the image database, the query images are projected onto these eigenvectors (Eigenwavelet coefficients). A distance metric is computed between the projections of the queries and the projections of the images in the database onto the eigenwavelets. Those images with minimal distance (L1) are retrieved in response to a unique query set. Simulations with a heterogeneous image database suggest the Eigenwavelet method of image retrieval is a robust and computationally tractable method of retrieving images with a probability of detection >.8.

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