
The use of night vision devices (NVDs) has the potential for enhancing driving operations at night by allowing increased mobility and safer operations. However, with this increased capability has come the requirement to manage risks and provide suitable training. Results from field experiments and accident analyses suggest that problems experienced by drivers with NVDs can be attributed to a limited understanding of the NVD capabilities and limitations and to perceptual problems. There is little formal training available to help drivers obtain the required knowledge and skills and little opportunity to obtain and practice perceptual skills prior to driving in the operational environment. NVD users need early and continued exposure to the night environment across a broad range of visual conditions to develop and maintain the necessary perceptual skills. This paper discusses the interim results of a project to develop a Night Driving Training Aid (NDTA) for driving with image intensification (I<SUP>2</SUP>) devices. The paper summarizes work to validate requirements, develop instructional materials and software, and deliver the instruction in a multimedia, interactive PC environment. In addition, we discuss issues and lessons learned for training NVD driving knowledge and skills in a PC environment and extending the NDTA to thermal NVDs.

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