
In order to meet with the epitaxial growth of large area Hg<SUB>1-x</SUB>Cd<SUB>x</SUB>Te (MCT) with various compositions for infrared focal plane arrays, CdTe and Cd<SUB>1-y</SUB>Zn<SUB>y</SUB>Te (y equals 0.020, 0.025 and 0.040 for various x) crystals with 120 mm length and 20 - 40 mm diameter have been successfully synthesized and grown by the vertical Bridgman method. These crystals were grown unseededly or seededly and free of any macroscopic defects e.g. micro-cave and crackles. Wafers with areas from 12 X 18 mm<SUP>2</SUP> to 30 X 35 mm<SUP>2</SUP> in the &lt;111&gt; orientation have been obtained from large grain of the ingot. Effects of changing the ampoule base shape upon the crystal growth have also been investigated. A necked ampoule bottom is preferred to ones employing seeding. Assessments of the samples have included infrared transmission (range 2.4 - 24 micrometers ), etch pit density, X-ray photography and three-crystal rocking curve measurement. Good quality MCT epitaxial films (areas of 12 X 18 mm<SUP>2</SUP> and 20 X 20 mm<SUP>2</SUP>), as demonstrated by good surface topography, electrical parameters, have been grown by liquid phase epitaxy and metal organic chemical vapor epitaxy onto CdTe(CT) and Cd<SUB>1-y</SUB>Zn<SUB>y</SUB>Te(CZT) substrate materials produced in our study.

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