
In order to study the correlation between chronic prostatitis and C. trachomatis, IgA and IgG antibody titers for C. trachomatis were measured in serum and prostatic secretion of cases of chronic prostatitis. IgA antibody titers have higher tendency in prostatic secretion than in serum. The other side, IgG antibody titers have higher tendency in serum than in prostatic secretion. This result suggested IgA antigen was reacted in local immunological response in prostatic gland. Subsequently, in order to confirm that IgA antibody in prostatic secretion is formed from secretory IgA antibody mainly, IgA antibody titers were compared with secretory IgA antibody titers. That results was considered that many cases with high IgA titers had high secretory IgA titers. The fact suggested in cases of C. trachomatis prostatitis, IgA antibody was mainly formed from secretory IgA antibody in prostatic secretion.

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