
<p>Farmer’s collective participation in climate anomaly anticipating and managing its impacts are more significant. The study purposed to identify the climate anomaly impact and its anticipation in farmer’s level. The study is conducted in eight districts, i.e., Temanggung, Magelang, Kebumen, Brebes, Kendal, Grobogan, Pati, and Sragen, on July – October 2005. The analysis based on interview of 84 respondents that consist of farmers and officers of local agricultural services. According to the farmers, El Nino affected their farming activities like longer dry season, decreased yield, delay of onset planting season, increased costs for irrigation, seed, pesticides, and cost of land preparation. In farmers’ level, climate anomaly impacts was managed by planting schedules improvement, changing varieties or commodities, and looking for alternative sources of waters. Farmers determine the actions by considering collective decision and the guidance of agriculture extension workers. Time tolerance of farmers tin tailoring climate anomaly is about a month. However, most of farmers manage the farming system based on normal condition. As the climate anomaly is an external factor that affect farming system, local authority should support the farmer’s collective actions through dissemination of anticipation strategies in managing the impacts climate anomaly, and support facilities to implement the strategies.</p>


  • Farmer’s collective participation in climate anomaly anticipating and managing its impacts are more significant

  • The study is conducted in eight districts, i.e., Temanggung, Magelang, Kebumen, Brebes, Kendal, Grobogan, Pati, and Sragen, on July – October 2005

  • The analysis based on interview of 84 respondents that consist of farmers and officers of local agricultural services

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Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Tengah

Partisipasi petani secara kolektif dalam antisipasi penyimpangan iklim dan pengendalian dampaknya semakin nyata. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi mekanisme antisipasi dan pengendalian dampak anomali iklim di tingkat petani. Akibat kemarau panjang petani mengalami penurunan produksi, penundaan jadwal tanam, kekurangan air, dan meningkatnya biaya usahatani. Upaya pengendalian dampak anomali iklim yang telah dilakukan di tingkat petani antara lain intensifikasi pola pergiliran tanaman, penggantian varietas, penggantian jenis tanaman, merubah jadwal tanam dan penggunaan pompa air. Penentuan tindakan dilakukan secara kolektif melalui keputusan kelompok dan petunjuk penyuluh pertanian. Karena anomali iklim merupakan salah satu faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi kinerja usahatani, maka pemerintah sudah selayaknya memberikan dukungan terhadap aksi-aksi petani secara kolektif tersebut. Dukungan tersebut antara lain adalah sosialisasi tentang anomali iklim, strategi antisipasi dan pengendalian dampaknya, serta menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas untuk mengimplementasikannya. Kata Kunci: Anomali iklim, El Nino, antisipasi petani, mekanisme pengambilan keputusan, perencanaan tanam

Tindakan antisipasi petani pada kondisi iklim ekstrim
Mekanisme Pengambilan Keputusan Pengendalian Dampak Anomali Iklim
Musyawarah kelompok
Sangat mengganggu Sedikit mengganggu Tidak mengganggu
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