
Lepidozia stuhlmannii, L. pearsonii, Atrichum tenellum, Bryum lanatum, Campylopus subulatus, Ceratodon stenocarpus, Polytrichum commune var. humile and Thuidium delicatulum are reported as new to the Azores. The record of Sphagnum pylaisii from Terceira is referred to a monoclade expression of S. denticulatum. The presence of the North American Leucobryum albidum on the Azores is confirmed and the distinguishing characters between this species and Leucobryum juniperoideum are discussed. The recently described Thamnobryum rudolphianum is reported another time from Terceira. Campylopus brevipilus and Racomitrium aquaticum are reported as new to Pico.

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