
A new genus and species of small wasp (body length, 4.3 mm, exclusive of antennae) of the extinct family Praeaulacidae (Hymenoptera: Evanioidea) is described in Burmese amber. Placement in the Praeaulacidae is based on the hind wing venation with RS, cu-a and apparent r-m present and a 10-celled forewing. Special forewing features are a large CuA cell and very narrow 3rm cell that is not aligned with 2r-m. The narrow hind wings have a unique venation with RS, M, Cu and A reaching the lower wing margin. The metasoma is attached to the propodium by a 1-segmented petiole. The ovipositor is long, exceeding the length of the metasoma. An angiosperm flower is adjacent to the wasp and the presence of herbivorous insect larvae on the flower may have attracted the female wasp.

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