
Tout-Monde, Glissant ... comme ses noms l’indiquent In the field of Caribbean literature, Edouard Glissant from Martinique occupies a unique place. His aim as stated at the beginning of his career, has been to create a supra-rational language able to reach the depths of West Indian sub-consciousness in order to free it. In one of his recent novels (Tout-Monde - 1993), the therapeutic function of his writing seems to be overcome by the task of global obscuring. The extreme complexity of the spatio and temporal structure bears witness to this point, as does the particular effort that the writer puts into his use of the names of his characters and the manner in which he plays with them. This article, though an onomastic perspective, is a census of the absence of certain names, the sophisticated jamming of others, their versatility and ever-changing nature as well as many other remarkable fluctuations which constitute a metonymy of desire: the desire to hide a secret which is perhaps the mystery of literary creation. With the help of examples taken from other Caribbean writers (Confiant, Chamoiseau), the danger of decoding what is hidden behind the mentioned names is underlined through three characters, all called Anestor. What comes out of this analysis is that the decoding is bound and meant to fail. The reader is to be lost in the labyrinth of the novel by the will of the writer. A crossed-out quotation suggests that statements, contradictions, negations are all part of a unique process which is part of the attempt to re-read the history of Creole literature and to foresee what its future might have in store.


  • This article, though an onomastic perspective, is a census o f the absence o f certain names, the sophisticated jam m ing o f others, their versatility and ever-changing nature as well as many other remarkable fluctuations which constitute a metonymy o f desire: the desire to hide a secret which is perhaps the mystery o f literary creation

  • Tout-Monde, Gllssant... com m e ses noms I'indiquent which is pari o f the attempt to re-read the history o f Creole literature arid to foresee what itsfuture might have in store

  • La longue liste de ses écrits depuis les années cinquante comporte des romans comme La lézarde ou La case du commandeur, des essais dont le célébre Discours antillais, et plusieurs recueils de poemes

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Tout-Monde d’Édouard Glissant est I’un des romans les plus énigmatiques qu’ait jamais produit son auteur. On connait les visées de celui-ci: créer un langage supra-rationnel capable de parvenir aux tréfonds du subconscient antillais et par lá même le libérer. L’importance de Glissant dans la littérature n ’est plus á démontrer mais la fonction thérapeutique de son écriture semble largement dépassée dans ToutMonde par l’enténébrement général caractérisant son entreprise, (et il ne faut pas ici donner á cette notion d’obscurcissement une connotation péjorative mais y voir, au contraire, une extraordinaire technique d’enrichissement de la matiêre romanesque elle-même). L’un des exemples les plus marquants de ce phénoméne se repére dans la structure spatio-temporelle narrative de I’ouvrage dont le schéma donnerait une idée assez saisissante de la complexité mais que nous n’allons pas étudier ici

Ce que raconte Tout-Monde
Richesse onomastique
Doubles brouillages
Autre type de variations
Métonymie du désir
10. Risques de I’exposition
11. Les trois Anestor
12. Líttérature
13. Secret des noms dans Tout-Monde
14. Perdition du lecteur
15. Conclusion
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