
With the passage of time, many problems associated with frequent use of synthetic drugs become prominent, like severe side effects and resistance of microbes against these drugs. On the other side, these drugs are expensive and a large population cannot afford these drugs. In recent times, research on medicinal plants has been intensified all over the world. Kidney stone formation (Urolithiasis) is a complex process that includes many chemical events such as super saturation, nucleation, growth, aggregation and retention of urinary stone constituents within the renal tubules. The currently employed medical management of urinary calculi includes lithotripsy and surgical procedures are expensive and complete recurrence is rare. In this respect, it was noted that there was little attempts reported on in vitro crystallization, growth and dissolution studies of Strychnos potatorum L.f. Strychnos potatorum L.f. is a dry deciduous tree and coming under the family Loganiaceae. Mainly four parts of the plant were taken for the study, leaf, stem, bark and seed. The four parts were extracted with petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol and water in the increasing order of polarity. The treatment of urolithiasis is mainly considered with the dissolution of existing stones and preventing recurrence of stones. The per cent inhibition of turbidity increased with concentration of extract and methanol extract of seed showed maximum dissolution of calcium oxalate stones in vitro.

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