
Objective: Analyze the results of the early therapeutic intervention of the rehabilitation nurse in functionality in stroke patients. Methods: Multiple case studies according to CAse REport (CARE) guidelines. Four patients participated, mean age 71.8 years (SD=9.9 years). Study approved by the Ethics Committee for Health. Results: Self-care and balance training led three patients to the modified dependency score (with assistance up to 25% of activity), one participant maintained the modified dependency level (with assistance up to 50% of activity). The average evolution in self-care ranged from 0.75 to 1.75 points, more favorable evolution in food, hygiene, dressing the upper half and use of the toilet. The mean evolution in balance was 12.75 points, three patients remained in the Acceptable category and one evolved to Good. Conclusion: There were gains in functionality, sensitive to rehabilitation nursing care. Keywords: Exercise therapy; Rehabilitation Nursing; Self-Care.

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