
The Indian Skimmer is a globally threatened bird native to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam. In India, it is more confined to the north, from Punjab through Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh to West Bengal, extending up to Odisha. Earlier, the bird was known to breed only in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, we confirm here the breeding of the Indian Skimmer along the river Mahanadi near Mundali, Odisha, eastern India. So, further monitoring at the breeding site and survey along the entire Mahanadi River are essential to understand the status of the Indian skimmer in Odisha. The information will also aid in reassessing its global status and formulating conservation plans.


  • The Indian Skimmer Rynchops albicollis Swainson, 1838 (Image 1) is one among the three species of skimmers found worldwide, and native to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam (BirdLife International 2016)

  • In contrast to its historic range, the Indian Skimmer is believed to occur along some large rivers from Pakistan, through Nepal and India to Bangladesh and Myanmar with an estimated global population of 6,000–10,000 individuals (BirdLife International 2016)

  • The major cause of Indian Skimmer population depletion is related to reduction in their reproductive and foraging success from exploitation ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) and degradation of habitats, human ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) disturbance, irrigation projects and pollution from agricultural OPEN ACCESS and industrial chemicals (BirdLife International 2016)

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TheJournalofThreatetnedTaxafsi dedfciatetdttobuflidfingevfidenceforconservafiongloballybypublfsihfingpeer-revfei wed arfcilesonlfineeverymontthattareasonablyrapfidratet attwww.tthreatetnedtatxa.org.AllarfcilespublfsihedfinJoTTare regfsitetredunderCreafvieCommonsAtrtfibufion4.0IntetrnafionalLfciense unlessottherwfsie menfioned.JoTTallows unrestrtfcitetduseofarfcilesfinanymedfium,reproducfion,anddfsitrtfibufionbyprovfidfingadequatet credftittottheautthors andtthesourceofpublfciafion. The Indian Skimmer Rynchops albicollis Swainson, 1838 (Image 1) is one among the three species of skimmers found worldwide, and native to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam (BirdLife International 2016). It prefers estuaries and coasts during the non-breeding season, and frequents larger, sandy, slow-flowing lowland rivers, lakes and marshes during the breeding season. It is a colonial breeder and lays eggs on exposed sandbars and Islands (Rahmani 2012). In contrast to its historic range, the Indian Skimmer is believed to occur along some large rivers from Pakistan, through Nepal and India to Bangladesh and Myanmar with an estimated global population of 6,000–10,000 individuals (BirdLife International 2016).

Breeding of Indian Skimmer in Odisha
Threatened Taxa
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