
Human-Crocodile conflict (HCC) occurs to varying degrees around the World, and with a number of crocodilian species (CrocBITE 2013). The Mugger or Marsh Crocodile Crocodylus palustris found in Gujarat State is the crocodilian species responsible for conflict with local people. This paper is a compilation of HCC occurring in various parts of Gujarat from 1960 to 2013. A total of 64 crocodile attacks were recorded: 44 (24 fatal & 20 non-fatal) on males, and 20 (9 fatal & 11 non-fatal) on females. By region 52 HCC were recorded in central Gujarat; five in Saurashtra, four in the northern region and three in Kutch; no crocodile attacks were recorded in southern Gujarat. Of the two major river systems in central Gujarat, 41 attacks occurred within the Vishwamitri-Dhadhar River System and 11 in the Narmada system. Most crocodile attacks happened between the months of April and September, peaking in May with 14 attacks. These months are the peak breeding season for the species in Gujarat. The most obvious contributors to HCC are lack of basic facilities in rural areas, poverty, illiteracy and the presence of adult animals close to human settlements and activities. Other contributing factors are lack of preventive measures by the forest department, absence of protocols for mugger crocodile rescue, and haphazard release of problematic animals.


  • Bofthfthe finSaurashfrtaregfion wffith fvieafatcks,andflowesft rfvierbasfinareasareaparftotfcenfrtaflGujaraf.t numberotfcrocodffiel afatckswasrecordedfinftheKufcth Acfviffiyt and HCC: Mugger afatcks occurred on area wffithfthreeafatcks

  • BookRevfiew Bookrevfiew:APhoftographfci Gufide--Endemfci WoodyPfalnfst otf The WesfternGhafst --Jfsi Sebasfain,Pp.11103–11104

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Communfciafftion Revfei wandanafylsfsi otfhumanandMugger Crocodffiel contffflcifftinGujaraf,tIndfiatfrom1960 fto2013. Gujaraffti Absfrtacft:માનવી અેન મગર જોડ ની અથડામણ ૂિનયામાં ુદા ભાગમાં ુદાકારણોસરન ધાેયલા ેછ ેતમાં મહતમ મગરની િત ઓમાં જોવા મેળલ ેછ( ોકબાઇટ ૨૦૧૩).મગર અથવા માસ ોકોડાઈલ તર ક ઓળખાતી મગરની િત ુજરાતરાજયમાં જોવા મેળ ેછ,અેન માનવી ઓ સાેથની અથડામણ માટ આ િત જવાબદાર ેછ. ામીણિવ તારમાંજોવા મેળલ/થેયલ મગરના માનવીન ઓ જોડ ની અથડામણ માટ ેતિવ તારની ગર બાઈ,સગવડતા ઓનો અભાવ,ભણતરનીઉણપ,નદ કાંઠામાં માનવી ઓનાર હઠાણઅેન ેતિવ તારમાંરહત ા મહાકાઈ મગર ુેય ેવ જવાબદાર લાેગ ેછ.ેતમજ વનિવભાગ તરફથી જ ર પગલા ઓ વાક ,આ બાબતની માગ દિશ કાનો અભાવ,મગર બચાવ ુંેબશ અેન નામચીન પકડાેયલા મગરેન આ ધડડ છોડ દ વા વી બાબતો પણ જવાબદાર જણાયેછ. AufthorDefatffisl:Dr.RajuVyasfsi nowrefriedafetr30+yearsotfservfcieasaZooInspecftor,aftftheSayajfiBaugZoo,Vadodara,Indfai.BasedfinVadodaraCffiyt,hfsiflongfetrmresearchhastfocusedonmonffitorfingcrocodffielsandfthefri habffiatftasweffllasfsisuesotfhuman-crocodffiel confflcifsttformorefthan25years.Presenfftyl hefsifthe RegfionaflVfcieChafri otftheIUCN/SSCCrocodffiel SpecfaifflsiftGroup(SoufthAsfai andIran),andmemberotfvarfiousIUCN/SSC’sSpecfaifflsiftGroup.

Anafylsfsi otfafatcks
Tofatfsl otf bofthsexes
Baffitfrtappfing cage
Regfion NorfthernGujaraft CenfrtaflGujaraft
Bafthfing Crossfing Washfing
Sukaffliben Vasava
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