
Silene nigrescens has been re-collected after a gap of 130 years from Pangarchulla area of District Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India. This species was earlier collected by J.F. Duthie from the above-mentioned location in 1885. On the basis of J.F. Duthie’s collection this species is known from only two localities (Pangarchula area and Nila valley) in western Himalaya. Due to a dispersed type of distribution, extremely rare occurrence and poor herbarium history, this species should be considered as a conservation dependent species in the western Himalaya.


  • Majumdar(1964)frtansfefrredfthespecfeisfto Sfliene,a fin2015,ftheaufthorsre-collecfetdfthfsi specfeisfrfom genuscharacfetrfziedbycapsulevalvesftwfcieas many PangarchulaareaoffDfsifrtfciftChamolfi(Image1)afetr130 assfytlesandsfytlesnoftpersfsifetnftonfrfuffitandhence yearssfincefthelasftcollecfionfin1885

  • OPEN ACCESS The Journal of Threatened Taxa is dedicated to building evidence for conservation

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