
Blackbuck Antilope cervicapra in human dominated landscapes are vulnerable to poaching, habitat loss and competition with livestock for forage. I estimated population sizes and age structure of Blackbucks in an unprotected site of 61.21km² in Odisha over a period of one year (October 2012 to October 2013). A total of 7,134 individuals in 366 herds were documented ranging from a single individual to the largest herd of 51 animals. Average herd size was 19.49±0.03 (SE) and ranged from 13.34±0.06 in summer to 31.86±0.07 during the monsoon. Sex ratio was skewed towards females by 3:1. The young constituted 16% of the population. This indicates that a healthy population of blackbuck is surviving in this area; therefore measures need to be taken to conserve this site and manage the area as a Blackbuck reserve.


  • Population size, herd structure and sex ratio of the Blackbuck Antilope Cervicapra (Mammalia: Cetartiodactyla: Bovidae) in a human dominated area in Odisha, India

  • I classified the type of herds, age structure and sex ratio as per Herlekar (2014) and Prater (1980)

  • Most herds had 11–20 individuals (Fig. 2) and female biased groups (Image 1) were more frequent (74.31%) than bachelor herds (Image 2) and solitary males (Image 3)

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