
Field surveys across various parts of the country coupled with an analysis of literature and examination of herbarium specimens revealed the natural distribution of six wild relatives of crop species in various states/union territories of India, viz., Cajanus scarabaeoides (from Lakshadweep), Cucumis javanicus (from Meghalaya), Hystrix duthiei (from Jammu & Kashmir), Luffa echinata (from Haryana) and Trichosanthes pilosa (from Andhra Pradesh), which have not been reported earlier from these states. Their descriptions, phenology, habitat and other field notes have been presented here.


  • Doing field survey and collection of plant genetic resources in various parts of the country during the past seven years, the authors came across the natural distribution of a few wild relatives of crops in some Indian states, which were neither reported in the floristic literature nor in recent literature (e.g., Chakravarty 1982; Naithani 1990; Rao & Ellis 1995; Pullaiah & Chennaiah 1997; Kumar 2001; Murti 2001; Renner & Pandey 2013; Pradheep et al 2014; Yadav et al 2014)

  • These plants were critically studied in natural habitats as well as in the herbarium

  • It is supplemented with the study of relevant literature, online herbaria of London (BM), Edinburgh (E), Kew (K), Paris (P) and Beijing (PE) including the type specimens

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New distribution records of some wild crop relatives from India
Distribution records of wild crop relatives
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