
In this correspondence, the distribution of a population of Amomum kingii Baker, a Critically Endangered species of Zingiberaceae, is reported from Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India. Previously, this plant was described only from Sikkim, India and no other population of this endemic plant has ever been found outside this distributional range. In the present study, the plant was morphologically described and molecular characterization was done for the first time using three DNA regions- ITS, matK and rbcL. The urgency and necessity of conservation of this plant has also been discussed.


  • Abstract:Inthfsi correspondence,thedfsitrfibufionoffapopulafionoff AmomumkfingffiiBaker,aCrfifciallyEndangeredspecfeisoffZfingfiberaceae, fsireportedfrfomDarjeelfingDfsitrfcit,WestBengal,Indfai.Prevfiously,thfsi plantwasdescrfibedonlyfrfomSfkikfim,Indfai andnootherpopulafion on,Schumann(1904),Smftih(1994)andKumar(2001) alsofincludedthfsi specfeisamongZfingfiberaceaefrfom easternIndfai,butnoneoffthemcouldlocateanylfvifing offthfsi endemfci planthaseverbeenffoundoutsfidethfsi dfsitrfibufional range.Inthepresentstudy,theplantwasmorphologfciallydescrfibed and molecularcharacterfziafion wasdonefforthefristfimeusfing threeDNAregfions-ITS,matK andrbcL.Theurgencyandnecessftiyoff populafionoffA.kfingffiiandtheyrelfeidonthefinfformafion provfidedbyBaker(1892).SfincethedescrfipfionoffBaker (1892),nolfviespecfimenoffA.kfingffiihadbeenrecorded conservafionoffthfsi planthasalsobeendfsicussed

  • The population of Amomum kingii was found in flowering condition in Jhandi dara (27.06666667 N & 88.43333333 E) of Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India in the month of April 2015 and again in 2016

  • While India is one of the 12 megadiversity centers of the world, the eastern Himalaya is a part of the four biodiversity hotspots of the country of the total 35 present across the globe (Williams et al 2011)

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Threatened Taxa
New distribution report of Critically Endangered Amomum kingii
Results and Discussion
PCR condition
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