
The existence of R-parity in supersymmetric models can be naturally explained as being a discrete subgroup of gauged baryon minus lepton number (B-L). The most minimal supersymmetric B-L model triggers spontaneous R-parity violation, while remaining consistent with proton stability. This model is well-motivated by string theory and makes several interesting, testable predictions. Furthermore, R-parity violation contributes to neutrino masses, thereby connecting the neutrino sector to the decay of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). This paper analyzes the decays of third generation squark LSPs into a quark and a lepton. In certain cases, the branching ratios into charged leptons reveal information about the neutrino mass hierarchy, a current goal of experimental neutrino physics, as well as the $\theta_{23}$ neutrino mixing angle. Furthermore, optimization of leptoquark searches for this scenario is discussed. Using currently available data, the lower bounds on the third generation squarks are computed.

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