
The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is a multifunctional receptor which is present on senile plaques in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is suggested to play an important role in the balance between amyloid beta (Aβ) synthesis and clearance mechanisms. One of its ligands, apolipoprotein E (apoE), is also present on senile plaques and has been implicated as a risk factor for AD, potentially affecting the deposition, fibrillogenesis and clearance of Aβ. Using immunohistochemistry we show that LRP was present only on cored, apoE-containing senile plaques, in both PDAPP transgenic mice and human AD brains. We detected strong LRP staining in neurons and in reactive astrocytes, and immunostaining of membrane-bound LRP showed colocalization with fine astrocytic processes surrounding senile plaques. LRP was not present in plaques in young transgenic mice or in plaques of APOE-knockout mice. As LRP ligands associated with Aβ deposits in AD brain may play an important role in inducing levels of LRP in both neurons and astrocytes, our findings support the idea that apoE might be involved in upregulation of LRP (present in fine astrocytic processes) and act as a local scaffolding protein for LRP and Aβ. The upregulation of LRP would allow increased clearance of LRP ligands as well as clearance of Aβ/ApoE complexes.

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