
Unlike the matrix case, computing low-rank approximations of tensors is NP-hard and numerically ill-posed in general. Even the best rank-1 approximation of a tensor is NP-hard. In this paper, we use convex optimization to develop polynomial-time algorithms for low-rank approximation and completion of positive tensors. Our approach is to use algebraic topology to define a new (numerically well-posed) decomposition for positive tensors, which we show is equivalent to the standard tensor decomposition in important cases. Though computing this decomposition is a nonconvex optimization problem, we prove it can be exactly reformulated as a convex optimization problem. This allows us to construct polynomial-time randomized algorithms for computing this decomposition and for solving low-rank tensor approximation problems. Among the consequences is that best rank-1 approximations of positive tensors can be computed in polynomial time. Our framework is next extended to the tensor completion problem, where noisy ent...

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