
We have studied the voltage fluctuations of current-biased, micron-scale magnetic tunnel junctions. We find that the spectral power density is $1/f$-like at low frequencies and becomes frequency independent at high frequencies. The frequency-independent background noise is due to Johnson-Nyquist noise and shot noise mechanisms. The nature of the $1/f$ noise has its origin in two different mechanisms. In the magnetic hysteresis loops this noise power is strongly field-dependent and is due to thermal magnetization fluctuations in both the ``free'' and ``fixed'' magnetic layers. We attribute these magnetic fluctuations to thermally excited hopping of magnetic domain walls between pinning sites. At high temperatures, this magnetic noise is found to track the dc resistance susceptibility but it is not in quantitative agreement with the fluctuation dissipation relation, indicating that the magnetic structure is not in equilibrium. A second mechanism for the $1/f$ noise, connected with defects in the tunnel barrier but not related to the overall magnetization fluctuations, was found at fields for which the magnetic structure in the free and fixed layers is well aligned. We attribute this noise to electron trapping processes having thermally activated kinetics and a broad distribution of activation energies. Below $\ensuremath{\sim}25\mathrm{K}$ the noise power is temperature independent suggesting that the kinetics are dominated by tunneling. Our results show that the thermal stability of both the magnetic layers and the quality of the tunnel barrier are important factors in reducing the low-frequency noise in magnetic tunnel junctions.

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