
A new collection provided some brachiopods assigned to Lacunosella hoheneggeri, Pygope diphya and P. janitor from the lower Tithonian (Micracanthoceras ponti Zone) and lower Berriasian (Calpionella Zone), and from the limestone succession at Zengővárkony, Mecsek Mountains, Hungary. This is the first taxonomic description and photographic documentation of these fossils. We provide reliable documentation of pygopid brachiopods from the Mecsek Mountains, known since 1880, but previously not described. For the moment, three pygopid brachiopod species are reliably reported from the Mecsek Mountains: Pygope diphya, P. janitor and Pygites diphyioides. The Lacunosella hoheneggeri described herein is the first record of Berriasian rhynchonellide brachiopods from the Mecsek Mountains. The lower Berriasian brachiopods may belong to a normal palaeoenvironment, with the usual size distribution.

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