
The present paper deals with the systematic description of the belemnite assemblages from the Lower Jurassic, collected at the Roche Blain quarry, Fresney-le-Puceux. In spite of the reduced thickness of the succession at Fresney-le-Puceux, 13 successive ammonite chronozones could be documented in this rather unique outcrop situation in mainland Europe. Twelve genera and 26 species of belemnites belonging to the Passaloteuthididae, Hastitidae, Megateuthididae, Salpingoteuthididae, and family incertae sedis are described and illustrated herein. The stratigraphical range of the belemnites is correlated with the standard ammonite zonation, using the chronozone concept: the described specimens range from the lower Pliensbachian (Davoei Chronozone) to the uppermost Toarcian (Aalensis Chronozone) while ammonites indicate the Aalenian (Murchisonae Chronozone) to be present too, but these beds delivered no identifiable belemnites so far. The belemnite diversity from Normandy is compared to data from coeval outcrops in Western and Central Europe.

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