
The Lower Jurassic beds of south Slovenia outcrop on a surface of several hundred km2 with their thickness in places exceeding 300 meters. They were deposited on the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. In them rich accumulations of characteristic bivalves occur that in Pliensbachian and Toarcian inhabited the wide interconnected shallow water regions of the western and Southern margins of Tethys and the eastern Pacific. The most interesting are three large bivalve species: Lithiotis problematica, Cochlearites loppianus and Lithiopedalion scutatus. in addition, numerous other genera can be found: Gervilleioperna, Mytilus, Opisoma and Pachyrisma (with subgenera Pachymegalodon and Durga). The bivalves formed in the region of south Slovenia, in the prevailingly quiet environment of the restricted shelf, sea-bottom mats or biostromes. Their shells can be only rarely found in their growth position. The horizon with bivalves (“lithiotid horizon”) in south Slovenia is attributed to Pliensbachian (Domerian). It is up to 75 metres thick and it almost does not pinch out. Within it individual lumachelles of bivalves occur which are from several centimetres to ten metres thick. They are almost exclusively associated with dark, micritic, in places marly limestone and bituminous dolomite. The biodiversity in lumachelles is very low. The intermediate beds that do not contain bivalves mostly consist of oolitic and biosparitic limestone. In this article some localities from various areas of the carbonate platform are described. Considered are paleogeographical and paleoecological conditions that permitted the existence of this typical bivalve fauna.


  • In south Slovenia which is situated in the northwesternmost part of the Dinarides the Jurassic beds exceed the thickness of 1500 metres, and they consist predominantly of limestone

  • The Lovver Jurassic beds with characteristic bivalves extend across south Slovenia to neighboring Croatia: Velika Kapela and Velebit (Grubič, 1961), Herzegovina (Kat z er, 1904) and Dalmatia (Schubert, 1906)

  • On the territory of present Southern Slovenia the wide Dinaric Carbonate Platform was situated during the Lower Jurassic

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Spodnjejurske plasti s školjkami v južni Sloveniji

Stanko Buser University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Geology Department, Aškerčeva 2, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Previous research
Localities of Lovver Jurassic bivalves elsewhere in the world
Unconfirmed Nepotrjeno
Localities of Lower Jurassic bivalves in Slovenia
Qo Qo
Špik in Trnovski gozd
UH a I a la
Cervilteioperna Lithiopedalion
ITzA k
Globočec near Zagradec
Stražišče near Gorenje Jezero
TVavna gora
Ravne near Borovec
Julian Carbonate Platform Julijska karbonatna platforma
Corals Korale
Distribution of species and mode of life of bivalves
Dosedanje raziskave
Nahajališča spodnjejurskih školjk drugod po svetu
Nahajališča spodnjejurskih školjk v Sloveniji
Špik na Trnovskem gozdu
Globočec pri Zagradcu
Stražišče pri Gorenjem Jezeru
Ravne pri Borovcu
Življenjske razmere školjk v spodnji juri v južni Sloveniji
Razporeditev vrst in način življenja školjk
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