
Individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) have reduced mobility, which may be due to altered gait biomechanics. This study compared lower extremity intersegmental coordination and joint kinetics in adults with and without PWS. Walking biomechanics were evaluated in 10 adults with PWS and 10 controls without and 10 with obesity. The foot-shank and shank-thigh coordination was evaluated using modified vector coding and compared between groups using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. The total support moment was summed from the ankle, knee, and hip extensor moments; and relative joint contributions were expressed as a percentage and compared between groups using one-way MANOVA. The group with PWS had greater exclusive shank segment rotation during later stance compared with controls with (p < 0.001) and without obesity (p < 0.001). The group with PWS also had a smaller absolute total support moment than controls with obesity during early and late stance (both p < 0.001), and lower normalized total support moment compared to controls without obesity during early stance (p = 0.019) and compared to controls with obesity during late stance (p = 0.004). Extensor moment contributions was similar between groups during early and late stance (all p > 0.05). Findings suggest a flat-footed gait pattern in PWS during late stance, which may negatively influence propulsion and speed. Moreover, those with PWS had lower total support moments than controls during early and late stance, but similar relative extensor contributions when walking at self-selected speeds. As such, improving overall torque generation in the lower extremity may be useful to improve stability and mobility during gait in PWS.

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