
Electron-gamma directional correlation experiments for various cascades in Os188 and Os190 have been performed by means of a sector-type double-focussing beta-ray spectrometer. Spins and parities of the lower excited states have been determined uniquely as follows: in Os188, 478 keV: 4+; 633 keV: 2+; 790 keV: 3+ and in Os190, 548 keV: 4+; 557 keV: 2+; 755 keV: 3+; 1161 keV: 4+; and 1679 keV: 5−. The M1/E2 mixing ratios in the 478 keV (22+ → 12+inOs188), 635 keV (13+ → 12+inOs188), 371 keV (22+ → 12+inOs190) and 569 keV (13+ → 12+inOs190) transitions have been determined as +0.07±0.03, +0.12±0.07, +0.07±0.03 and +0.07±0.07, respectively. Nuclear matrix elements for electric monopole transitions between the second and the first 2+ states have been found to be (2.2−1.4+0.8) × 10−2 and (2.5−4.1+1.5) × 10−2 for Os188, and Os190, respectively, which can be accounted for by interaction between beta and gamma vibrations. The level schemes and transition properties associated with these lower excited states are discussed in connection with phenomenological collective models.

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