
In this paper we prove lower bounds on randomized multiparty communication complexity, mainly in the message-passing model, where messages are sent player-to-player. Some of our results apply to the blackboard model, where each message is written on a blackboard for all players to see. We introduce a new technique for proving such bounds, called symmetrization, which is natural, intuitive, and often easy to use. For example, for the problem where each of $k$ players gets a bit-vector of length $n$, and the goal is to compute the coordinatewise XOR of these vectors, we prove a tight lower bound of $\Omega(nk)$ in the blackboard model. For the same problem with AND instead of XOR, we prove a lower bound of roughly $\Omega(nk)$ in the message-passing model (assuming $k \le n/3200$) and $\Omega(n \log k)$ in the blackboard model. We also prove lower bounds for bitwise majority, for a graph-connectivity problem, and for other problems; the technique seems applicable to a wide range of other problems as well. All of our lower bounds allow randomized communication protocols with two-sided error. We also use the symmetrization technique to prove several direct-sum-like results for multiparty communication.

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