
The low-energy effective Hamiltonian of three coupled spin chains with periodic boundary conditions (spin tube) is expressed, in the limit of strong interchain coupling, in terms of XXZ chains coupled by biquadratic exchange interaction. A similar class of models was proposed to describe the coupling of spins to orbital degrees of freedom in materials such as NaV2O5. We investigate these models by means of bosonization and renormalization group techniques, and find that the generic phase diagram comprises a gapless region and gapped regions consisting of a spin liquid phase and various antiferromagnetic phases. We discuss the properties of the spin liquid phase, in particular the nature of the ground state and of the elementary excitations above it. We then study the effect of a magnetic field, and conclude that a strong enough magnetic field can suppress the dimerized phase leading to a two component Luttinger liquid. The critical exponents at the transition gapful-gapless are calculated and shown to be non-universal in the spin tube case as well as in the generic spin orbital problem.

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