
This chapter explores the influence of symmetric and asymmetric (unsymmetric) laminate stacking sequence design on the impact resistance property of FRP composite. Traditionally, the symmetric FRP laminate has the zero extension-bending coupling matrix, whereas the asymmetric FRP laminate has nonzero extension-bending coupling matrix. The nonzero extension-bending coupling matrix is not desired unless intentionally required. Because the presence of nonzero extension-bending coupling matrix induces warping or curling of the laminate after the fabrication. However, until recently, few authors have investigated the impact behaviour of asymmetric laminate with zero extension-bending stiffness matrix which showed very similar impact resistance properties of symmetric stacking sequences. This chapter explores the basic difference between symmetric and asymmetric laminate. Further, in this chapter, few works from the literature where symmetric and asymmetric laminates subjected to impact loading are covered.KeywordsSymmetric laminateAsymmetric laminateExtension-bending coupling matrixLow velocity impact

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