
As low-temperature plasma plays an important role in semiconductor manufacturing, plasma diagnostics have been widely employed to understand changes in plasma according to external control parameters, which has led to the achievement of appropriate plasma conditions normally termed the process window. During plasma etching, shifts in the plasma conditions both within and outside the process window can be observed; in this work, we utilized various plasma diagnostic tools to investigate the causes of these shifts. Cutoff and emissive probes were used to measure the electron density and plasma potential as indicators of the ion density and energy, respectively, that represent the ion energy flux. Quadrupole mass spectrometry was also used to show real-time changes in plasma chemistry during the etching process, which were in good agreement with the etching trend monitored via in situ ellipsometry. The results show that an increase in the ion energy flux and a decrease in the fluorocarbon radical flux alongside an increase in the input power result in the breaking of the process window, findings that are supported by the reported SiO2 etch model. By extending the SiO2 etch model with rigorous diagnostic measurements (or numerous diagnostic methods), more intricate plasma processing conditions can be characterized, which will be beneficial in applications and industries where different input powers and gas flows can make notable differences to the results.

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