
Low-temperature ceramics based on magnesium calcium phosphate cement are a promising resorbable material for bone tissue restoration with the possibility of functionalization. The replacement of the magnesium Mg2+ ion with a calcium Ca2+ ion at the stage of preparation of the precursor leads to the production of multiphase ceramics containing phases of brushite, monetite, and newberyite, with different dissolution rates. Multiphase ceramics leads to volumetric resorption with preservation of their geometric shape, which was confirmed by the results of an evaluation of the output of magnesium Mg2+ and calcium Ca2+ ions into the contact solution of the ceramics and the X-ray density of ceramic samples during subcutaneous implantation. The combined introduction of sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate and citric acid monohydrate as setting inhibitors neutralizes their insignificant negative effect on the physico-chemical properties of ceramics (strength, pH, porosity), determining the optimal composition. In vivo experiments with setting inhibitors in the composition of ceramics showed a different biological response, affecting the rate of resorption on par with magnesium ions. Preliminary data on biocompatibility and solubility determined magnesium-calcium phosphate ceramics containing additives that regulate setting to be a potential material for bone tissue restoration and a vector for further research, including in orthotopic implantation models.

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