
Chloroplast movement in response to light has been known more than 100 years. Chloroplasts move towards weak light and move away from strong light. Dark-induced relocation, called dark positioning, has also been shown. However, the effects of other stimuli on chloroplast movement have not been well characterized. Here we studied low temperature-induced chloroplast relocation (termed cold positioning) in prothallial cells of the gametophytes of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris. Under weak light chloroplasts in prothallial cells accumulated along the periclinal wall at 25 degrees C, but they moved towards anticlinal walls when the prothalli were subsequently transferred to 4 degrees C. A temperature shift from 25 degrees to 10 degrees C or lower was enough to induce cold positioning, and high-intensity light enhanced the response. Nuclei also relocated from the periclinal position (a position along periclinal walls) to the anticlinal position (a position along anticlinal walls) under cold temperature, whereas mitochondria did not. Cold positioning was not observed in mutant fern gametophytes defective of the blue light photoreceptor, phototropin 2.

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