
High progesterone concentrations in the early luteal phase support pregnancy, whereas subphysiological progesterone concentrations delay embryonic development at least until placentation. In this study, fetal growth and development of pregnancy was investigated in pregnancies with prostaglandin F2α-induced low progesterone concentrations (PGF) in the early luteal phase and control pregnancies (CON) in the same mares (n = 12). Mares were inseminated and in PGF pregnancies received the prostaglandin F2α analogue cloprostenol (62.5 µg) on days 0–3 after ovulation to induce subphysiological progesterone concentrations; CON pregnancies remained untreated. Mares were assigned to PGF or CON treatments in alternating order and received the opposite treatment in the following year. Blood was collected and conceptus size determined repeatedly by transrectal (≤day 101) and transabdominal (>day 101) ultrasonography. After birth, foals were weighed, measured and submitted to a clinical examination. Treatment PGF resulted in fewer pregnancies than CON treatment. All foals born from CON pregnancies were healthy and mature, whereas 4/7 PGF pregnancies were either lost (one embryonic death, one abortion) or resulted in the birth of compromised foals (P = 0.018). Size of the conceptus (e.g., diameter day 49: PGF 6.6 ± 0.7, CON 7.7 ± 0.7 cm, P = 0.006) and embryo proper (e.g., crown rump length day 54; PGF 4.4 ± 0.8, CON 5.8 ± 0.6 cm, P = 0.015) differed between treatments. These size differences decreased over time and at birth PGF foals did not differ significantly from CON foals. In conclusion, reduced progesterone concentration in the early luteal phase leads to delayed conceptus growth beyond placentation and increased pregnancy loss.

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