
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the succession of its waves, the transmission of this disease and the number of deaths caused by it have been increasing. Despite the various vaccines, the COVID-19 virus is still contagious and dangerous for affected people. One of the remedies to this is precaution, and particularly social distancing. In the same vein, this paper proposes a remote voting system, which has to be secure, anonymous, irreversible, accessible, and simple to use. It therefore allows voters to have the possibility to vote for their candidate without having to perform the operation on site. This system will be used for university elections and particularly for student elections. We propose a platform based on a decentralized system. This system will use two blockchains communicating with each other: the public Ethereum blockchain and the private Quorum blockchain. The private blockchain will be institution-specific. All these blockchains send the necessary data to the public blockchain which manages different data related to the universities and the ministry. This system enables using encrypted data with the SHA-256 algorithm to have both security and information security. Motivated by the high energy consumption of blockchain and by the performance improvements in low-power, a test is performed on a low-power embedded platform Raspberry PI4 showing the possibility to use the Blockchain with limited resources.

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