
Various electronic devices such as mobile phones, DSPs,ALU etc., are designed by using VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology. In VLSI dynamic CMOS logic circuits are concentrating on the Area ,reducing the power consumption and increasing the Speed by reducing the delay. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Circuits) are designed by using adder, subtractors, multiplier, divider, etc.Various adder circuits designs have been proposed over last few years with different logic styles. To reduce the power consumption several parameters are to be taken into account, such as feedthrough, leakage power single-event upsets, charge sharing by parasitic components while connecting source and drain of CMOS transistors There are situations in a logic that permit the use of circuits that can automatically precharge themselves (i.e., reset themselves) after some prescribed delays. These circuits are hence called postcharge or self-resetting logic which are widely used in dynamic logic circuits. Overall performance of various adder designs is evaluated by using Tanner tool . The earlier and the proposed SRLGDI primitives are simulated using Tanner EDA with BSIM 0.250 lm technology with supply voltage ranging from 0 V to 5 V in steps of 0.2 V. On comparing the various SRLGDI logic adders, the proposed adder shows low power, delay and low PDP among its counterparts.

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