
Information security is major obstacle in different areas like military, network application, bank application. File is forward from one location to another location in the network. Many hackers are illegally access the information. To provide solution to this problem many authors has introduced different algorithms and techniques. The different algorithms like AES, DES and triple DES achieve more security but it takes more time for encryption and decryption files. These algorithm increases the complexity of the algorithm. In our algorithm we have investigate parameters of network security. This algorithm provides more security and takes smallest amount of time for file encryption and decryption. This algorithm can apply on different types of files like text, image, audio, video files. In the Byte Rotation Algorithm involve two techniques. One is random key generation technique is used. And second is parallel encryption and decryption is process using multithreading technique. Key size of random key generation technique is 128 bit.128 bit random key generation is difficult for crack to attacker.

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