
The recent drop in immunization coverage in Nigeria has left more than 3.25 million children unimmunized and has risen concern over immunization completion among the under-five children. More so among underserved communities of pastoralist nomads and farmers that were isolated from immunization services because of operational and sociocultural factors. A cross-sectional analytical (comparative analysis) study was carried out among 550 eligible caregivers of under-five children in nomadic and farming communities in Niger State, Nigeria. The mothers and caregivers paired with under-five children were recruited into the study using a multistage sampling technique. Data was collected using a validated interviewer-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with the statistical software package (version 23). More than half of the under-five children studied were males in both the nomadic (57.5%) and farming (52.0%) communities. The aggregated score of immunization knowledge was significantly (P < 0.001) better (Good 44.4%; Fair 49.8%) among farmers compared to their nomads' counterpart (Good 21.1%; Fair 43.6%). Conversely, almost all the respondents (98.2%) in nomadic community significantly had a good overall perception of childhood immunization compared to 77.1% in the farming community. More farmers' children (99.6%) had received immunization compared to 92.4% of the nomads' children. About 87.3% of farmers compared to 76% of the nomads' (76.0%) children reported immunization completion. About 50.5% of the farmers' and 41.4% of the nomads' children have achieved immunization on card inspection. This study revealed that average immunization completion reported among under-five children in both farming and nomadic communities is higher than the national average. It is recommended that more strategies are needed to intensify immunization campaigns targeted at populations in Nigeria.

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