
Oncidium hookeri is a neotropical species of epiphytic Orchidaceae found in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest at the top of the Mantiqueira Range of mountains. The genetic variation of O. hookeri was studied to assess the distribution of genetic variability within and among six populations localized in Atlantic rainforest remnants. Gene flow among populations and the occurrence of recent bottlenecks were investigated in order to infer the degree of isolation of these populations. Thirteen polymorphic loci were used for allozyme electrophoresis. The data were analysed by means of standard statistical approaches, to estimate gene diversity and the genetic structure of the populations. The mean gene diversity and allelic richness were H(e) = 0.099 and A = 1.75, respectively. F-statistics revealed high heterozygote deficiencies in all populations (F(IS) = 0.43-0.82). Several rare alleles were found in all the populations, and three populations presented private alleles. Low genetic differentiation among O. hookeri populations was detected (F(ST) = 0.029); natural selection may be involved in PGM locus differentiation among populations. The genetic differentiation between paired populations was low, bearing no correlation with geographic distance (Mantel test: r = -0.34, P = 0.72). Only two populations showed signs of recent bottlenecks. The heterozygote deficiency found seems to be caused by pollinator behaviour; the low frequencies of several alleles of different loci can be maintained due to clonal propagation. Despite the stochastic nature of the wind-dispersal of seeds to long distances, this process may promote an effective gene flow among populations, thus avoiding genetic differentiation.

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