
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been frequently considered unsafe for patients with ferromagnetic implants: risks to be considered include induction of electric current, heating and dislocation of the prosthesis. Previous in vitro and in vivo studies have indicated the possibility of performing MRI examinations on patients with prosthetic heart valves. The aim of our study was to verify the presence of artifacts at the level of the prosthetic heart valve in vivo using a low-field MR unit (0.2 T) and to define the possibility of a functional analysis of the valve in patients with biomedical or mechanical prostheses. We evaluated 14 patients surgically treated for implantation of nine biological and seven mechanical aortic and mitral valves. A low-field MR unit (0.2 T) was employed using cine-MR technique on long- and short-axis view. The images were acquired on planes parallel and perpendicular to the valvular plane. Semiquantitative analysis with double-blind evaluation for definition of the extent of the artifact was performed. Three classes of artifacts were distinguished from minimal to significant. The examinations showed the presence of minimal artifacts in all biological heart valves and moderate artifacts in mechanical valves giving good qualitative data on blood flow near the valve. Analysis of the flow behind the valve showed signs of normal function in 13 prostheses and pathological findings in the remaining three. In these latter cases, MRI was able to define the presence of a pathologic aortic pressure gradient, mitral insufficiency and malpositioning of the mitral valve causing subvalvular turbulence. Nevertheless, we believe that the application of velocity-encoding cine-MR is more promising than semiquantitative analysis of artifacts.

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