
Oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) by cells of the arterial wall or in the presence of copper ions was shown to result in the peroxidation of its fatty acids as well as its cholesterol moiety. LDL incubation with cholesterol oxidase (CO) resulted in the conversion of up to 85% of the lipoprotein unesterified cholesterol (cholest-5-en-3-ol) to cholestenone (cholest-4-en-3-one) in a dose- and time-dependent pattern. Plasma very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) could be similarly modified by CO. In cholesterol oxidase-modified LDL (CO-LDL), unlike copper ion-induced oxidized LDL (Cu-Ox-LDL), there was no fatty acids peroxidation, and lipoprotein size or charge as well as LDL cholesteryl ester, phospholipids, and triglycerides content were not affected. CO-LDL, however, demonstrated enhanced susceptibility to oxidation by copper ions in comparison to native LDL. Upon incubation of CO-LDL with J-774 A.1 macrophage-like cell line, cellular uptake and degradation of the lipoprotein was increased by up to 62% in comparison to native LDL but was 15% lower than that of Cu-Ox-LDL. Similarly, the binding of CO-LDL to macrophages increased by up to 80%, and cellular cholesterol mass was increased 51% more than the mass obtained with native LDL. Several lines of evidence indicate that CO-LDL was taken up via the LDL receptor: 1) Excess amounts of unlabeled LDL, but not acetyl-LDL (Ac-LDL), effectively competed with 125I-CO-LDL for the uptake by cells. 2) The degradation of CO-LDL by various types of macrophages and by fibroblasts could be dissociated from that of Ac-LDL and was always higher than that of native LDL. 3) A monoclonal antibody to the LDL receptor (IgG-C7) and a monoclonal antibody to the LDL receptor binding domains on apoB-100 (B1B6) inhibited macrophage degradation of CO-LDL. The receptor for Cu-Ox-LDL, which is not shared with Ac-LDL, was also partially involved in macrophage uptake of CO-LDL, since Cu-Ox-LDL demonstrated some competition capability with CO-125I-LDL for its cellular degradation. CO-LDL cellular degradation was inhibited by chloroquine, thus implying lysosomal involvement in the cellular processing of the lipoprotein. Incubation of macrophages with LDL in the presence of increasing concentrations of cholestenone resulted in up to 52% enhanced lipoprotein cellular degradation suggesting that the cholestenone in CO-LDL might be involved in the enhanced cellular uptake of the modified lipoprotein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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