
Few previous review articles have focused on the associations between inadequate daily water intake (LOW) or urinary biomarkers of dehydration (UD; low urine volume or high urine osmolality) and multiple diseases. Accordingly, we conducted manual online searches (47 key words) of the PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar databases with these inclusion criteria: English language, full-text, peer reviewed, no restriction on research design, and three publications minimum. Initially, 3,903 articles were identified based on their titles and abstracts. Evaluations of full length .pdf versions identified 96 studies that were acceptable for inclusion. We concluded that the evidence is insufficient or conflicting for seven disorders or diseases (i.e. suggesting the need for additional clarifying research) and it is lacking for all-cause mortality. Differential characterizations among women and men have been reported in the results of nine studies involving five diseases. Finally, the evidence for associations of LOW or UD is strong for both kidney stones and type 2 diabetes with hyperglycemia. This suggests that great public health value (i.e. reduced disease risk) may result from increased daily water intake-a simple and cost-effective dietary modification.

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