
Multi-inverter microgrid systems, particularly those with loop topology, offer higher power supply reliability and robustness compared to conventional radial distribution systems. In meshed systems, communication-less protection schemes have proved to be ineffective for multi-inverter microgrids due to bidirectional power flow, and limited and controlled fault currents generated by the voltage source converters interfacing the energy source to the network. This makes communication-assisted line protection schemes preferable for such systems despite the necessity for communication means. While these protection schemes are effective, their reliability depends much on the communication availability. This requires a back-up communication path in case the main one fails bringing up the cost issue that hinders their uptake. This paper proposes a novel and low-cost line protection based on directional blocking strategy that can operate as a main as well as a back-up protection to any protection scheme using communication means between the line terminals. As the main, it requires low-bandwidth communication system. As a back-up, it would share the same communication means with the main one and use those of the healthy lines when the faulted line's fails. Thus saving the cost of back-up communication system.

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