
Air pollution has evolved into a global issue that necessitates immediate and accurate pollution control. The usage of the Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) sensor as a monitoring system for air pollution levels is one possible answer to this challenge. The MQ-136 sensor is calibrated using standard SO2 (0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70) ppm as the test gas in this study. To collect the sensor output signal, a variety of equipment was created, including a gas test box, a voltage divider, and follower circuit, and a gas flow control unit operated by a microcontroller. The test gas can be pumped into the test box at a constant rate of 1.0 L.min-1 by the apparatus. To evaluate a significant difference (= 0.05), an analysis of variance was performed on the response signal generated by a series of sensors due to the concentration of the test gas. To examine the correlation between the sensor response signal and the test gas concentration treatment, as well as the sensor performance, linear regression analysis was used. The ANOVA results demonstrate no significant differences amongst the sensors, indicating that they all follow the same routine. Furthermore, ANOVA analysis reveals that the sensors respond differently at each level of SO2 concentration. According to linear regression, the relationship between gas concentration and sensor-1, sensor-2, and sensor-3 output signals is reflected by coefficients of determination of 0.94, 0.91, and 0.93, respectively.


  • Air pollution has become a global problem given the risk it poses to human health and the environment

  • Measurement of SO2 is an important component of air pollution control initiatives

  • B3efore1c0o0llecting c1a.0libration da6t0a0,0the MQ1-01036 goes throu1g0h a preheating phase. The purpose of this step is to determine the nature of the sensor output signal in the target gas condition of 0 ppm in normal settings, as well as the sensor output range and sensor perfo4rmanc1e00similarity1..0Furthermo1re2,0b0e0fore th2e00initial stage of20calibration, the sensor will be turned on for 1 minute at 1-second intervals to est5ablish1t0h0e sensor'1s.0baseline by1e80x0p0osing i3t0to0 clean air

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Air pollution has become a global problem given the risk it poses to human health and the environment. Fossil fuels, refining and combustion, non-ferrous smelting, iron ore smelting, pulp, and paper mills, transportation sources, and steel mills all contribute about 99 per cent of sulfur dioxide to the environment (Riordan & Adeeb 2004) These pollutants, when emitted in high quantities into the ambient air, can cause health problems such as pulmonary, asthma, and other respiratory illnesses. Designing a low-cost air pollutant meter that takes advantage of the potential of a solid-state gas sensor is one viable approach to complement existing methods. MOS gas sensors have been used to assess pollutant levels in the ambient air, the gas detection technique is complicated. Electrons will contains a series of gas sensors installed with a fully function- react with oxygen in the air around the material, thereby.

4: The gas sensor array system is designed to detect
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