
During the last years, the European Union (EU) has made significant progress in developing electricity and gas markets, promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions (European Commission, 2010) In 2019, the EU proposed the European Green Deal (EGD), a set of 50 actions for the coming five years across all sectors of economy to prepare the EU economy for development of climate neutral society by 2050 (EC, 2019) Energy sector action is central to the EGD The EGD puts the aim to achieve a 90% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport by 2050 To support the low carbon transition in transport, 75% of inland road freight should shift onto rail and inland waterways and zero- and low-emission vehicles should appear on the road Under EGD, the EU initiated review of energy and climate package to scale up GHG emissions reductions, boost the deployment of renewables and energy efficiency, and review the Energy Taxation Directive The new Industrial Strategy for Europe, along with the Circular Economy Action Plan and the SME Strategy set for developing a competitive, climate-neutral and digital industry in EU The EU Sustainable Transport and The paper deals with challenges of low carbon transition of Baltic States and provides discussion of energy and climate policies and ranking of countries based on achievements in low carbon transition including energy poverty issues which are key issues during transition towards low carbon future The study applies MCDM tool - COPRAS for ranking Baltic States in terms the most important climate change mitigation and energy poverty indicators For this purpose, the framework of indicators was developed based on literature review Three scenarios were developed for ranking of countries based on results of just low carbon energy transition The paper provides also policy recommendations based on study conducted in three Baltic States


  • During the last years, the European Union (EU) has made significant progress in developing electricity and gas markets, promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions (European Commission, 2010)

  • First scenario provides ranking of Baltic States based on low carbon energy transition indicators, second scenario provides ranking of Baltic States based on energy poverty indicators and third scenario provides ranking of Baltic States based on low carbon energy transition and energy poverty indicators

  • As all indicators are given in the same measurement units, the best performing country were identified based on the lowest value obtained by summing up all energy poverty indicators for Baltic States

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The European Union (EU) has made significant progress in developing electricity and gas markets, promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions (European Commission, 2010). The EGD initiated a revision of the CO2 standards for road vehicles to ensure a clear pathway from 2025 onwards towards zero-emission mobility, it is necessary to note that renewables play a minor role in gross final consumption in transport (8%). The European Commission will assess all final NECPs and discuss the possible revisions of energy sector legislation during 2020-21 This will create new opportunities for strengthening policies and developing new actions under the EGD. Few EU member states have decided to set climate neutrality aim for 2050 and have established ambitious targets in buildings and transport sectors to achieve 100% renewables scenarios. The paper aims to review and compare Baltic States in terms of achievement of low carbon energy transition tasks and the implications to energy poverty for these countries during the pathway towards carbon neutral society. The paper is structured in the following way: section 1 presents literature review in the field of investigation; section 2 provides methodology and data for assessment progress achieved in moving towards carbon neutral society for countries; section 3 presents results of case study for Baltic States on ranking countries based on achievements towards zero carbon energy; section 4 discusses results and provides policy implications, section 5 concludes

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