
Although low back pain is characterized by both pain and disability, there is a paucity of studies that have concurrently examined risk factors for these features in community-dwelling women. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and identify factors associated with both back pain and disability. A questionnaire was mailed to 542 women from a community-based research database. Detailed demographic data were collected, including participants' menopause, relationship, and employment status. Point and period prevalence estimates for back pain were derived. Participants were classified based on pain intensity and disability scores calculated from the Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire, and factors associated with high levels of pain and disability were examined. A total of 506 (93.4%) women completed the questionnaire. More than 90% of participants had experienced low back pain, with 75.1% and 22.5% reporting pain in the past 12 months and currently, respectively. Seven percent of women reported a high level of disability and 16% reported high-intensity pain. Women with higher levels of disability were more likely to have a higher body mass index and to have pain currently, whereas those with greater pain intensity were more likely to be younger, have a higher body mass index, not be employed outside the home, drink alcohol, and have current pain. Low back pain is a common problem for community-based women. A high body mass index and current pain were factors independently associated with both high pain intensity and disability. Longitudinal investigation is required to determine the predictive nature of these factors and their potential role in preventing pain and disability.

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