
The synaptic homeostasis theory of sleep proposes that low neurotransmitter activity in sleep optimizes memory consolidation. We tested this theory by asking whether increasing acetylcholine levels during early sleep would weaken motor memory consolidation. We trained separate groups of adult mice on the rotarod walking task and the single pellet reaching task, and after training, administered physostigmine, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, to increase cholinergic tone in subsequent sleep. Post-sleep testing showed that physostigmine impaired motor skill acquisition of both tasks. Home-cage video monitoring and electrophysiology revealed that physostigmine disrupted sleep structure, delayed non-rapid-eye-movement sleep onset, and reduced slow-wave power in the hippocampus and cortex. Additional experiments showed that: (1) the impaired performance associated with physostigmine was not due to its effects on sleep structure, as 1 h of sleep deprivation after training did not impair rotarod performance, (2) a reduction in cholinergic tone by inactivation of cholinergic neurons during early sleep did not affect rotarod performance, and (3) stimulating or blocking muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors did not impair rotarod performance. Taken together, the experiments suggest that the increased slow wave activity and inactivation of both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors during early sleep due to reduced acetylcholine contribute to motor memory consolidation.

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