
Movie watching is one of the common ways to spark love for the country. A good patriotic movie can arouse love and pride, encourage people to stand by their countries, and reinforce a sense of national belonging. To evoke audience emotion and enhance patriotism, the choice of actors is fundamental and is a dilemma for film producers. In this exploratory study, an electroencephalogram (EEG) with a rating task was used to investigate how actor types (i.e., skilled vs. publicity) in patriotic movies modulate the willingness of audiences to watch a film and their emotional responses. Behavioral results showed that audiences are more willing to watch patriotic movies starring skilled actors than to watch patriotic movies starring publicity actors. Furthermore, brain results indicated that smaller P3 and late positive potential (LPP) were elicited in response to skilled actors than to publicity actors in patriotic movies. A larger theta oscillation was also observed with skilled actors than with publicity actors. These findings demonstrate that the willingness of audiences to watch a movie is deeply affected by actor types in patriotic films. Specifically, skilled actors engage audiences emotionally, more so than publicity actors, and increase the popularity of patriotic movies. This study is the first to employ neuroscientific technology to study movie casting, which advances film studies with careful scientific measurements and a possible new direction.La première des vertus est le dévouement à la patrie.Napoléon Bonaparte


  • A significant positive correlation was observed (r = 0.30, p = 0.041, Figure 2C), which meant the more familiar the participant was with patriotic movies, the larger was the growth of her willingness

  • When it came to the publicity actor condition, no significant correlation was found between late positive potential (LPP) amplitude and the interest degrees in patriotic (p = 0.123, FIGURE 3 | Event-related potential (ERP) waveforms from Pz, topography of grand-averaged P3 waveforms from Pz, and P3 results. (A) Grand-averaged event-related potential (ERP) under four conditions: 2 movie types × 2 actor kinds. (B) Topography of P3. (C) P3 averaged amplitudes of patriotic movies and non-patriotic movies starring different types of actors from the parietal scalp region

  • Our behavioral data indicated that the willingness of an audience to watch a movie was higher for skilled actors than for publicity actors, especially for patriotic movies

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It is passion and pride for the motherland, and respect for our roots, which holds the whole nation together. We will have tears in our eyes seeing soldiers put their lives in danger to fight for the motherland. We will feel anger seeing the country led down the wrong path by the wrong people. Movie watching is one of the common ways to spark this love for the country in our daily lives. When emotions of an audience are well-engaged, a good patriotic movie can arouse love and pride, encourage people to stand by their countries, and reinforce a sense of national belonging. Not all patriotic movies manage to evoke a strong audience reaction and perform well at the box office

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