
GWVEN THAT 'LOVE' HAS MANY MEANINGS, some interesting, some stale, some trivial, most of them a bit pompous and sanctimonious, there is a use not popularly known, which I shall explore, as an anthropologist's contribution to the Love issue of Transition. The social anthropologist adopts the word 'love' as a functional denominator, viz. a term which has been deliberately vacated of its usual emotional content. Thus it functions very much like 'kinship', 'birth', 'the life Cycle'-terms which have emotive overtones in common non-anthropological parlance. Since Malinowski and Mead, 'love' has become an important theme of social research, though the fact that it has helped to popularize anthropology does not necessarily recommend it to the social scientist. However, that cannot be helped now after Growing up in Samoa etc., has sold millions of paperback copies, not only in America and Europe, but also in Samoa.

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