
Resistance to anticancer drugs is a problem in the treatment of pancreatic ductal carcinoma (PDAC) and overcoming it is an important issue. Recently, it has been reported that statins induce apoptosis in cancer cells but the mechanism has not been completely elucidated. We investigated the antitumor mechanisms of statins against PDAC and their impact on resistance to gemcitabine (GEM). Lovastatin (LOVA) increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in PDAC cells, leading to apoptosis. LOVA reduced lipid rafts in the plasma membrane and mitochondria, suppressed the activation of epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) and AKT in plasma membrane rafts, and reduced B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2)-Bcl-2-associated X protein (BAX) binding and the translocation of F1F0 ATPase in mitochondrial rafts. In the three GEM-resistant cell lines derived from MIA and PANC1, the lipid rafts in the cell membrane and the mitochondria were increased to activate EGFR and AKT and to increase BCL2-BAX binding, which suppressed apoptosis. LOVA abrogated these anti-apoptotic effects by reducing the rafts in the resistant cells. By treating the resistant cells with LOVA, GEM sensitivity improved to the level of the parental cells. Therefore, cholesterol rafts contribute to drug resistance in PDAC. Further clinical research is warranted on overcoming anticancer drug resistance by statin-mediated intracellular cholesterol regulation.

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