
Andalusia has always fascinated travelers who excelled in different fields such as: literature, architecture, philosophy and medicine etc., in a period that witnessed the presence of the Arab-Muslim civilization in southern Europe. It is in this context related to the XVth century that Louis Aragon makes us discover this region of Spain and more particularly Andalusia. It is Muslim and Jewish Spain of the middle Ages which has experienced a boom in the confluence of many cultures and religions. The text we propose for the study is entitled Le Fou d’Elsa by Louis Aragon. This text is a poem composed of 460 pages devoted to a trip to Andalusia at the end of the XVth century. Thus, the narrator covers in his poetry the fate of the Arabs in Spain, sided with the Arab-Andalusian people wiped out by the Reconquista. In this chaos, Aragon invents his narrator-character, an old man, a street singer called the Madjoun, that is to say the fool who will exclaim on the misfortune and project himself on the future of mankind. In the same context, Le Fou d’Elsa is often compared to the poem of Persian Djami, entitled Madjnoun Leila. The rehabilitation of the Andalusian space demonstrates that it was of a great inspiration for Louis Aragon, especially when he wondered about the fate of Granada besieged by the Catholic Monarchs. In this article, we will analyze the influence of space which is Andalusia and its relationship to the poetic verb of Louis Aragon.

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